Parent & Family Engagement Plan
Munford Middle School
Parent and Family Engagement Plan 2024-2025
Title 1, Part A- ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act)
Munford Middle School encourages parent and family engagement. Parents are an important part of the improvement planning process and are essential to its successful implementation. We at Munford Middle recognize that parent involvement is essential for the success of our students. This plan was developed to assure an active partnership between the school and parent. The plan will be reviewed each year at the Spring Parent and Family Engagement Committee meeting. All committee members will be invited to attend. Parents are encouraged to provide suggestions for improving the plan.
In September, Munford Middle School holds the Annual Title I meeting for parents which addresses:
*Title I Participation, Services, Parent Rights *Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
*School Parental Involvement Plan *School-Parent Compacts
*Parent Surveys and Workshops *Data Results
*Current Curriculum, Programs and Assessments
Methods for notifying parents of meetings and workshops include notices sent home with students, reminders posted on the school website/Facebook/Twitter account and automated phone messages through SchoolCast. To assist in providing opportunities for all parents to attend meetings, meetings are offered during the day and in the evening. This flexible scheduling will accommodate various work schedules.
Munford Middle School believes in parent support and involvement of all aspects of the Title I program.
The Parent Involvement committee participates in the development of the CIP, School-Parent Compacts, Parent Involvement Plan, and any other area that Title I represents in order to provide the best education for all students. All parents are given surveys at the end of the school year seeking input on activities, training, and materials that the school should offer parents the following school year. The school’s Continuous Improvement Plan and Parent Involvement Plan are reviewed and evaluated annually. MMS shall provide materials and training to help parents to work with their children to improve their children’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology (including education about the harms of copyright piracy), as appropriate, to foster parental involvement;
● Developing the local school parent resource centers based on suggestions from local parents (informal conversations, parent needs surveys, Parent Involvement Committee, etc.);
● Conducting parent academies that include family literacy, math, and testing events in schools;
● Offering alternative presentation formats using technology such as parent webinars or digital training materials to parents who are unable to attend parent academies/trainings when possible;
● Providing digital devices and virtual learning support for families;
● Parent workshops & training on technology and copyright information
Munford Middle school shall educate teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and
other school leaders, and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions
of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners,
implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school;
● Inviting representatives from local community agencies to serve as members of the Federal Programs Advisory Council;
● Conducting professional development with personnel in charge of registration and those who are first points of contact each year
to eliminate barriers during the registration process;
● Informing schools when workshops and information is available on various subjects;
● Purchasing materials and providing training for a cross-section of school personnel on how to effectively work with parents, including building parental capacity to increase academic achievement;
● Distributing parenting materials to enhance the development of local schools' parent resource centers;
● Providing training for new teachers on the benefits of working closely with parents;
● Providing training for all teachers on virtual learning;
● Providing training for faculty/staff on ways to communicate and involve non-English speaking families and raise cultural awareness;
● Providing opportunities for collaboration on developing strong parent and family engagement;
● Providing training and support to Parent Involvement Coordinators at local schools;
● All faculty and staff of Title I schools will receive ongoing training on effective communication strategies to build parent capacity
Munford Middle provides essential information to parents in August at grade level Orientation. Parents and students are informed of essential information such as the keys to success at MMS, course offerings, school schedules, how to schedule parent-teacher conferences, how they can be involved daily in their child’s education, and much more. Parents can visit classrooms and meet teachers during Orientation and at other times throughout the year. Parents have the right to submit concerns in writing about the plans and programs currently in place at MMS. We value our parents input, concerns, and involvement in the process of educating their child. MMS shall, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with other Federal,
State, and local programs, including public preschool programs, and conduct other activities, such as
parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of
their children;
● Provide information on school expectations and standards on effective parent communication;
● Collaborate with various community agencies
Our School-Parent-Student Compact was developed through the efforts of parents and teachers. The compact represents a commitment between the school and home ensuring that each child is successful in school. The compact will be discussed and signed by the school principal, teacher, parent, and student. A copy of the compact will be given to the parents.
Teachers will maintain a copy of the compact to use with students and parents during conferences. A copy of all compacts will also be kept on file in the office. Through analysis of Parent Surveys, needs of parents will be assessed and workshops developed to meet parents’ needs using available resources. Parents will be informed throughout the school year using the following methods: report cards, class newsletters, school emails and/or phone calls, school website/Facebook/Twitter accounts, Google classroom, or other digital management systems, and conferences. Workshops are provided to train and inform parents about specific
skills, provide materials to assist parents in working with their children at home, and provide information on test-taking skills, strategies, and skills. MMS offers a virtual tech tools workshop that helps parents understand how to monitor students progress using Google Classroom, our school website, and more. Additional parent workshops on important topics such as bullying, drug awareness, and test-taking strategies are offered periodically throughout the year.
Parents are encouraged to visit their child’s classroom during events such as Orientation, PBL Presentations, student-led conferences using Digital Portfolios that are held once each semester, as well as visiting for special programs such as Awards Day, Talent Show, etc. Parents are informed of their child’s progress through PowerSchool online grade access, report cards, and mid-nine week reports. State test results are provided for standardized assessments. Parents are also informed of local assessments through iReady Parent Summary reports which are sent home several times each school year. Munford Middle School, to the extent possible, provides opportunities for the participation of parents with
limited English proficiency and parents with disabilities. Every effort is made to accommodate all parents.
Munford Middle School shall provide assistance to parents of children served by the school or local
educational agency, as appropriate, in understanding such topics as the challenging State academic
standards, State and local academic assessments, the requirements of this part, and how to monitor a
child’s progress and work with educators to improve the achievement of their children;
● Distribute student academic assessment data to parents;
● Provide parent training and resource materials on interpreting test data, test preparation, how to provide practical homework assistance, effective communication with teachers, how to be involved at your child's school;
● Conduct Annual Title I Parent meetings to discuss requirements of Part A and inform parents of their rights;
● Develop parent resource centers at local schools
● Distribute resource materials to schools
● Open house & Provide a monthly calendar
● District website and other communication methods
Munford Middle School shall ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and
other activities is sent to the parents of participating children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a
language the parents can understand;
● Send LEA and local school plans to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, translate in a language the parents can understand
● Translate communication and relative policies;
● Provide, to the extent practicable, parent resource materials in a language that parents can understand;
● Post the LEA Parent and Family Engagement Plan on the TCBOE website (to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand);
● Use additional translation services for written and oral communication. (TransAct));
● Provide, to the extent practicable, virtual parent meetings throughout the school year.
● Provide interpreter services at parent events if needed.
Munford Middle School shall provide such other reasonable support for parental involvement activities
under this section as parents may request.
● shall provide such other reasonable support for parental involvement activities
● maintain open lines of communication with all parents and encourage them to voice their concerns and their needs as parents may request.
● Encourage parents to participate in Title I planning committees
● encourage parents to participate in other LEA committees
● Parent’s Right to know communication
Parents may send comments about school-wide program plans to Jerrica Roberson, Parent Involvement
Coordinator. We welcome and value your input.
Please CLICK HERE to view the Parent and Family Engagement Plan in Expanol